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A Natural Healing Process


Quantum healing is a hypnosis technique that allows each person to access their own inner wisdom which is connected to the greater whole or the divine. This technique originally was intended to guide someone to a past life to gain information and bring healing to present circumstances, but now with higher awareness of consciousnesses a person may experience:


  • a past or future life

  • connection to Source

  • meeting angelics/guides/people that have passed on

  • current life remembrances

  • inner child work

  • forgiveness or release of fear/blocks

  • dissolving of unhealthy ties

  • rewriting contracts

  • a healing (place, ceremony, temple assistance)

  • connection to higher aspects of consciousness.


What I have learned from my sessions is that each person’s experience will be exactly what is needed for healing. Your session will be guided by a part of you within that knows your desires, dreams, fears, challenges and souls purpose. This aspect of yourself, that is accessed via hypnosis, will guide the session. As you heal and trust yourself you will be more integrated with this part of yourself that some may call your higher self, subconscious or an aspect of Source/God.

Planning on booking a session? Please download the QHHT preparation form below:

Already had a session? 

Even though generally one session provides an wealth of perspective, past life recollection and answers to many of your life’s questions, should you feel that or Lynette may recommend another session to elucidate  or intensify your results, you may want to consider it.

If you feel enough time has passed and feel you have new questions that need answers, you should also schedule another session. Did you know that you can have as many or as few lives behind you as there are people on this planet, it's possible that you'll visit different past lives than your first session!

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