Merging Spirituality, with the culture of abundance and luxury!
Let’s face it he buzz surrounding “spirituality” has become incredibly trendy recently. Numerous guru types preach that in order to become a “better” version of oneself. you must engage in various practices, and that you HAVE TO give things up, specifically so-called “pointless” luxury items. But is this really correct or necessary? We don’t think so.
Wealth, abundance and quality earthly goods aren't inherently bad and you should not be ashamed for your love of luxury whilst still having a love for spirituality. (T.Omeasoo)
Can driving a phantom really be harmful? Does a LV bag slow your spiritual evolution? Will a Brunello Cucinelli frock block your enlightenment? The answer, we believe, is emphatically no!
Do you feel a bit uncomfortable with that train of think? Let’s unzip that. let’s peel back the surface of it all and address where this feeling of conflict so many of us have originates from. In a nutshell, our society and cultural norms...which in many cases promotes a belief that “purity” equates to scarceness. The less you have, the better person you surely are. That’s the belief many of us have...Good news, YOU DON’T HAVE TO!
© David Downton
In essence, material goods or experiences are not inherently bad. It is all in the way that we choose to interact with them. Let’s paint a little picture. You’re on vacation with your closest friends and you’re staying at a beach-side, luxury hotel. There’s an incredible view of the ocean from your room and every morning you’re there you wake up to the most picturesque sunset. All day is spent laughing with your friends over delectable meals comprised of fresh fish, organic fruits and vegetables—the works. You have an unforgettable trip and return home with souvenirs and cherished memories. You are grateful for the experiences that expensive, luxury hotel provided you, but you also know the real source of your joy was the bonding you experienced with your friends and the much needed R&R.
A resource to a group of amazing spiritual wholistic advisors.
We want to enable you to connect to your inner source; and live the best life, the life you DESIRE! Our advisors achieve this by incorporating and aiding you on your spiritual path which you travel to achieve particular objectives. We understand these objectives may be very subjective and individual such as reaching a higher state of awareness, improved health, increased finances or a healthier relationship. We provide resources to get you closer to drawing out your deepest values.